RTHK published open data plans and spatial data plans annually. The annual open data plans outlined the schedule for open data to be released in the next 3 years as well as open data already released on the Open Data Portal (https://data.gov.hk). The annual spatial data plans specified the schedule for spatial data to be released in the next 3 years as well as spatial data already released on the CSDI Portal (https://portal.csdi.gov.hk).
The annual open data plans and the annual spatial data plans are consolidated into Consolidated Annual Open Data Plans (Spatial Data Plans included), covering schedule for open data and spatial data to be released in the coming 3 years and already released. We welcome your feedback and suggestions to formulate a better plan and open up more data meeting your needs.
For feedback and suggestions related to Open Data on Open Data Portal, please submit via the following form:
For feedback and suggestions related to Spatial Data on CSDI Portal, please submit via the following form:
For other enquiries, please contact:
Email: ccu@rthk.hk
Tel: (852) 3691 2388
Fax: (852) 2336 9314
Address: 30 Broadcast Drive, Kowloon, Hong Kong