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CIBS Programme - The Hong Kong Telugu Voice - Balanandam (香港泰盧固語之聲—快樂的兒童)



Presenter:Produced by Peesapaty Jaya

節目是以唱兒歌和說故事為主。節目名稱中的泰盧固文 "Balanandam" 是由"Bala" 和 "Anandam" 兩個字組成,其中"Bala"意指兒童,而"Anandam"則是快樂。顧名思義,節目正是以詠唱兒歌和講述故事,為小朋友帶來歡樂。

The main components of the programme are children singing and storytelling.  The Telugu word “Balanandam” in the programme name is formed with two words: “Bala”  and “Anandam”. “Bala” means “Child” and “Anandam” means “Happiness”. The programme therefore aims to bring joy and happiness to children through their singing and storytelling.

*廣播語言 Broadcast Language:

英語 English, 泰盧固語 Telugu & 廣東話 Cantonese