主持人:Phil Whelan
主持人:Phil Whelan
Welcome to another Tuesday Brew. Last week. biz futurist Morris Miselowski told us all about some crazy new tech-based shoes and clothes that this year's Olympians may well be wearing next Friday. Today, he'll bring it down to earth a little more to tell you about the future of fashion in general. Conventionally, it's very hard to predict this sort of thing, as it's often seasonal, but he'll most likely talk about the raw materials that go into what people wear. Let's see. Jarrod Watt's still wrapping up his world domination tour, and will return next week. At 1:25, Dr. Merrin Pearse has fellow New Zealander Kevin Hackwell back on the show to talk about Kiwis – those iconic NZ Birds. Kevin is a passionate conservationist who while working for Forest & Bird was a member of the Kiwi Recovery Group, overseeing the Department of Conservation’s nationwide recovery efforts for the five kiwi species. Join us on Facebook live for that if you can. Every weekday afternoon from 12 until 2... Only on Radio 3