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    Executive Producer:王永森

    2003年,24歲的Adnan Sarwar以英兵身份抵達伊拉克。他最初認為這場戰爭能由薩達姆‧侯賽因手中解放伊拉克,但他親身見證推翻前總統侯賽因卻觸發更多戰爭,最後更讓伊斯蘭國出現。今天,伊斯蘭國已被消滅,Adnan回到伊拉克,希望重新認識這國家,親身了解當地人民如何重建生活。

    Adnan Sarwar arrived in Iraq in 2003 as a 24-year-old soldier with the British army. He initially viewed his mission as liberating the country’s people from Saddam Hussein, but he saw first-hand how driving Saddam from power led to more violence and ultimately the creation of ISIS.  Now, with ISIS gone, Adnan is returning to Iraq to discover the country afresh, beyond the headlines and wars to meet everyday people rebuilding their lives.