



    冒險旅行家 Simon Reeve 今次展開地中海之旅。地中海周邊風景如畫,自古以來卻飽受戰亂、貧富懸殊等問題衝擊。Simon 從中東、北非一路走到歐洲,旅途上與來自不同背景、不同國籍的人交談,聆聽他們的故事和遭遇,令這趟難忘的旅程充滿色彩及驚喜。

    Adventure journalist Simon Reeve brings his trademark charm, humour and analysis to this exploration of the challenges facing this stunning part of the world. The Mediterranean was once a watchword for serenity, turquoise seas and delicious cuisine. But now, as in ancient times, it’s at the epicentre of world events - bridging the tumult of the Middle East, the growing population of Africa and a stagnating, stumbling southern Europe. On this huge and unexpected journey, Simon meets a range of colourful and passionate people as he makes his way from the beautiful and troubled regions of Southern Italy and Albania, through the volatile Middle East, across North Africa before uncovering the hidden secrets of Spain and the Côte d'Azur.