

    MUSE Gala 繆思殿堂



    MUSE Gala

    Fri & Sat 星期五、六 8pm

    Since its inauguration 10 years ago, the Grand Hall at Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre in Hong Kong University has been a cultural home to local music lovers. The warm acoustics of the hall and the innovative programmes in their MUSE series have been much appreciated not only by concertgoers, but also the best musicians from around the world.

    Live on 4 – MUSE Gala will feature 10 chamber and solo concerts from the Grand Hall that took place in the first half of 2023. Indulge in the artistic union of top-notch music performance and pleasing acoustics captured by Radio 4 every weekend on Fridays and Saturdays at 8.


    第四台團隊在2023年上半年多次去到香港大學,將十場室樂及獨奏演出錄音。「 四台音樂廳 ─ 繆思殿堂 」系列將於6月份逢星期五、六晩上8時播出,誠邀你共賞這些動人心弦的演奏。

    2-3/6:Schubert’s 12 Piano Sonatas with Paul Lewis 路維士的12首舒伯特鋼琴奏鳴曲
    9-10/6: Gavriel Lipkind: The Complete Bach Cello Suites 當代以色列大提琴翹楚利普金:巴赫無伴奏組曲全集
    16-17, 23-24/6:Russian Piano Classics: Konstantin Lifschitz & Alexei Volodin 俄羅斯鋼琴經典:列夫席茲與霍羅丁
    30/6:Berlin Phil Concertmaster Daishin Kashimoto & Alessio Bax 柏林愛樂首席樫本大進與巴斯
    1/7:Nobuyuki Tsujii in Recital 辻井伸行鋼琴獨奏會



    MUSE Gala 繆思殿堂

    In Live on 4 – MUSE Gala, you will find a stellar artist line-up.
    「 四台音樂廳 ─ 繆思殿堂 」系列會送上多位頂尖演奏家在這大會堂的演出。
