



    自然主義者兼探險家Steve Backshall繼續攀山涉水,深入無人之地,展開奇妙的探險之旅。在新一輯的《無極行》系列中,他夥拍經驗豐富的專家團隊,走到墨西哥、俄羅斯、沙地阿拉伯與吉爾吉斯等的激流秘地,探索未知世界。在這個瞬息萬變的星球上,他以行動為瀕危的野生動物,尋找新希望。

    Explorer and naturalist Steve Backshall has dedicated his life to exploring some of the most remote locations on earth and venturing into places never before seen by human eyes, but he has only scratched the surface. Expedition series 2 sees Steve venture even deeper into the unknown to shine a light on unexplored corners of the planet. On a mission to discover fresh insights that could help to secure a future for the world’s wildlife, Steve and his hand-picked team of experts dive with sharks in Mexico’s Eastern Pacific, head deep into Africa’s unexplored jungles in search of apes, paddle the white-water of the Russian Far East into the heart of brown bear territory, abseil into the depths of Saudi Arabia’s ancient deserts to explore an unmapped, uncharted volcanic underworld and climb the Djangart mountains of Kyrgyzstan in search of endangered snow leopards. The ambition is big and – on this rapidly changing planet – the stakes have never been higher.








    粵語/英語 (電視版)



    2023年8月14日 星期一晚上10時30分




    Steve takes on 4 entirely new adventures to some of the remotest parts of the planet in search of precious natural wonders. In the desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Steve teams up with one of the world’s best free climbers, Leo Houlding and former Royal Marine, Aldo Kane. Together they scale the highest peak in the ancient Dadan kingdom to unearth the secrets of this almost 3000-year-old civilisation. In Gabon, Steve heads deep into the jungle to find a very special group of gorillas who have learned to trust humans – but no one has seen them for nearly a year. In Mexico, Steve travels to the Sea of Cortez – known as the world’s aquarium – on a mission to free dive with mobula rays. Although they are protected by law, this incredibly rare marine species is under threat of extinction. In Kamchatka, Steve sets out to explore the Russian tundra in Autumn when brown bears are feasting on salmon. He witnesses a pristine, untouched wilderness where wildlife is unaffected by humans – a glimpse of the world as it should be




    Cantonese/ English (TV Version)



    (First run)

    2023.08.14 MON 10:30pm








    07 - 08
    RTHK 31
    • 第六集 – 前所未見

      第六集 – 前所未見






      粵語/英語 (電視版)



      2023年8月14日 星期一晚上10時30分




      Steve takes on 4 entirely new adventures to some of the remotest parts of the planet in search of precious natural wonders. In the desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Steve teams up with one of the world’s best free climbers, Leo Houlding and former Royal Marine, Aldo Kane. Together they scale the highest peak in the ancient Dadan kingdom to unearth the secrets of this almost 3000-year-old civilisation. In Gabon, Steve heads deep into the jungle to find a very special group of gorillas who have learned to trust humans – but no one has seen them for nearly a year. In Mexico, Steve travels to the Sea of Cortez – known as the world’s aquarium – on a mission to free dive with mobula rays. Although they are protected by law, this incredibly rare marine species is under threat of extinction. In Kamchatka, Steve sets out to explore the Russian tundra in Autumn when brown bears are feasting on salmon. He witnesses a pristine, untouched wilderness where wildlife is unaffected by humans – a glimpse of the world as it should be




      Cantonese/ English (TV Version)



      (First run)

      2023.08.14 MON 10:30pm







    • 第五集 – 索科羅島:遠征鯊魚島

      第五集 – 索科羅島:遠征鯊魚島


      鯊魚不斷成為海洋中的捕獵對象,是地球上最受迫害的生物之一。Steve在今集中夥拍鯊魚生物學家Mauricio Hoyos,深入墨西哥雷維利亞希赫多群島的偏遠水域,見證豐富的鯊魚品種,並且通過安裝衛星標籤去追蹤鯊魚遷徒路線。他們更盡力搜集證據,去確定幼鯊的出生地,以游說政府加強保護力度,為這些未來的海洋巨人出一分力。




      粵語/英語 (電視版)



      2023年8月7日 星期一晚上10時30分




      Naturalist Steve Backshall and a team of dive experts embark on an expedition to Mexico’s Eastern Pacific. Steve joins forces with renowned shark scientist Mauricio Hoyos to dive the largest marine protected area in North America – the Revillagigedo National Park. Here, they hope to witness some of the richest marine life on the planet – whale sharks, Galapagos sharks, hammerhead sharks and giant manta rays are known to gather here in huge numbers. From the Baja Peninsula in Mexico, the team travels over 700 kilometres into the open ocean. Their goal is to dive unexplored areas of the remote volcanic island of Clarion to discover where shark pups are born. Shark populations are crashing globally as they are targeted by the illegal shark fin trade. Sharks are slow breeders – some species only have a few young at a time and they take a long time to reach maturity. When commercial fishing boats catch one shark – it’s not just one life lost – it can be a whole generation. If Steve and Mauricio can discover where shark mothers give birth, they can help protect a new generation of these ocean giants.




      Cantonese/ English (TV Version)



      (First run)

      2023.08.07 MON 10:30pm







    • 第四集 – 加蓬:熱帶叢林天堂


      加蓬被譽為非洲的伊甸園,是地球上生物多樣性最豐富的國家之一,達八成土地被熱帶雨林所覆蓋。Steve這次拉隊前赴穆卡拉巴-杜杜國家公園的未知地帶探險,克服凶狠的激流,並與靈長類動物學家 Alessandra Mascaro 合作,期望能發現黑猩猩與其他瀕危動物種群的蹤跡,為該區爭取聯合國教科文組織世界遺產的地位。




      粵語/英語 (電視版)



      2023年7月31日 星期一晚上10時30分




      Regarded as the Eden of Africa, Gabon is one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet – home to gorillas, chimpanzees, crocodiles and forest elephants. With 80% of the country covered by almost impenetrable rainforest, much of Gabon remains unexplored. On this expedition, Steve and the team head into a remote part of the Moukalaba Doudou National Park. Cut off from the outside world by the Doudou mountains, this ‘unknown zone’ has never been explored… until now. Teaming up with local jungle guide Ghislain Bouassa and primatologist Alessandra Mascaro, Steve hopes to discover whether this unexplored jungle could be home to an undiscovered population of chimpanzees. The local Punu community relate tales of a mythical canyon – a place where they believe the river disappears off the face of the earth. They hold it sacred and have never ventured beyond the canyon, but they have given Steve their blessing to explore it for the first time – to discover what animals are in the jungle beyond.




      Cantonese/ English (TV Version)



      (First run)

      2023.07.31 MON 10:30pm







    • 第三集 – 吉爾吉斯斯坦:追蹤山中幽靈






      粵語/英語 (電視版)



      2023年7月24日 星期一晚上10時30分




      Steve and the team head to the Tien Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan to find one of the world’s most endangered big cats – the snow leopard. Kyrgyzstan sits at the heart of the global snow leopard population, but from the Himalayas in the south to Russia in the north, snow leopards are under threat right across their range. The goal of this expedition is to explore the remote and almost inaccessible Djangart valley. Snow leopards are known to live south and north of here, but nothing is known about what lies between. No one has studied the cats in these mountains because these high-altitude peaks are so difficult to access, but this entire region is packed with precious minerals and mining companies now have their sights firmly set on the Djangart mountains. Teaming up with Kyrgyz conservation group Snow Leopard Foundation, Steve and the team set out to find evidence of a breeding population of snow leopards. If they can find snow leopards living and breeding here, they hope to persuade the government of Kyrgyzstan to turn the Djangart valley into a protected nature reserve.




      Cantonese/ English (TV Version)



      (First run)

      2023.07.24 MON 10:30pm







    • 第二集 - 沙特阿拉伯:火山地下世界探秘

      沙特阿拉伯王國逐步對外開放,然而境內的浩瀚沙漠仍是一片未知之地。 12 萬年前,第一批遷出非洲的人類,正是通道阿拉伯沙漠走向全世界。

      這次Steve與兩位沙特阿拉伯地質學家聯手, 深入未開發的火山地下世界,尋找當地最長的熔岩管。在危機四伏的環境下,他們跟沿著古老的足跡, 揭開隱藏在地底的史前秘密。




      粵語/英語 (電視版)



      2023年7月17日 星期一晚上10時30分




      As the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia opens up to the outside world, miles and miles of this vast desert landscape remain completely unknown. Over 120 thousand years ago the Arabian desert was a pathway for the first human migrations out of Africa. On this expedition, Steve and the team are following in ancient footsteps to shine a light into the unknown. Joining forces with Saudi Arabian geologists Mahmoud AlShanti and Hala Alwagdani, Steve and ropes expert Aldo Kane head down into an unexplored volcanic underworld in search of the longest lava tube in Arabia. Geological evidence suggests that at least 400km of tunnels lie beneath the Harrat Khaybar lava field – subterranean passageways which could contain bones and artefacts from ancient civilisations. Only 25km of these lava tubes have ever been explored… until now. Steve and the team start their journey at the ancient Nabataean city of Hegra, where secrets lie waiting to be uncovered.




      Cantonese/ English (TV Version)



      (First run)

      2023.07.17 MON 10:30pm







    • 第一集 – 堪察加半島:遠征灰熊河







      粵語/英語 (電視版)



      2023年7月10日 星期一晚上10時30分




      Steve and a team of world class kayakers head to the Kamchatka peninsula in the Russian far east, to take on the first descent of the Kronotsky River – through white-water so extreme that it has never before been attempted. The team set out to paddle from source to sea, starting in the shadow of a still active volcano and ending at the Pacific Ocean – kayaking through an unspoilt wilderness packed with more brown bears than almost anywhere else on the planet. If the team can make it through the white-water, they will enter an untouched landscape and witness brown bears in their natural habitat – unaffected by humans. These Russian brown bears are so isolated, some of them may never have seen people before. There are few places left on this rapidly changing planet that remain intact, but on this expedition Steve and the team experience nature as it should be.




      Cantonese/ English (TV Version)



      (First run)

      2023.07.10 MON 10:30pm








