

Language Academy




    主持人:Maggie 黃蔚兒、Joanne 譚綺旻

    新一輯英語篇,選取歷史性的演講詞,學習如何透過語言說服和打動人;另外還有Miss Maggie的實用筆記,為公開試考生加油!
    #藝文一格 rthk.hk/artitude




    網上直播完畢稍後提供節目重溫。 Archive will be available after live webcast

    Summary of the Speech:

    - Explain how the Soviets were overtaking the power and US needed to make a move.

    - Asked Congress for funds to support this moon mission.

    - Also asked for funds to improve space satellites for communication, nuclear rockets, and satellites for world-wide weather observation.


    Some Important Parts of the Speech:

    “Finally, if we are to win the battle that is now going on around the world between freedom and tyranny, the dramatic achievements in space which occurred in recent weeks should have made clear to us all, as did the Sputnik in 1957, the impact of this adventure on the minds of men everywhere, who are attempting to make a determination of which road they should take.”


    - Dramatic 戲劇性的;激動人心的/ 戲劇的;表演的

    A dramatic change/improvement 戲劇性的變化/改善

    We watched scenes of the dramatic rescue on the news. 我們在新聞中看到了驚心動魄的救援場面


    “Now it is time to take longer strides --time for a great new American enterprise企業;--time for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our future on earth.”


    - Stride 進展,進步/ 大步,闊步 (n), 大步快走,闊步行進 (v)

    The group has made strides to expand internationally. 這個集團在拓展國際市場方面獲得很大的進展

    She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager. 她果斷地大步走到桌前,要求見經理


    “First, I believe that this nation should commit承諾 itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.”


    - Decade 10年

    - Century 100年

    - Millennium 1000年


    03 - 05

    英語篇 #11 求醫的英文用語

    主持人:Maggie 黃蔚兒、Joanne 譚綺旻

    We’ve had five waves of COVID already, but we are still very alerted.


    ●       News headline from The Guardian:


    “Alarm in Beijing after announcement zero-Covid policy 清零政策 may last five


    -          Communist party official posts notice saying mass mandatory testing and travel curbs will continue


    Symptoms of COVID (Most common)

    ○        Fever

    ■        I had a fever last night.

    ○        Cough

    ■        I have been coughing a lot.

    ○        Tiredness (exhausted 很累)

    ■        I have been exhausted.

    ○        Loss of taste or smell

    ■        I haven’t been able to taste anything.

    ○        Phlegm 痰 (spit out your phlegm 吐痰)

    ■        I have been coughing up a lot of phlegm.

    ○        Stuffy nose 鼻塞

    ■        My nose has been stuffy, especially when I am lying down.

    ○        Snot / nasal mucus 鼻涕 / 鼻的分泌物

    ■        There’s a lot of snot.

    ○        Migraine 偏頭痛

    ■        I keep getting migraines.


    Some people are affected by long COVID and this can last months.


    Common long COVID symptoms include:


    -          extreme tiredness (fatigue) 疲倦

    -          shortness of breath 呼吸急促

    -          chest pain or tightness 胸痛或緊繃

    -          problems with memory and concentration ("brain fog") 記憶/專注力問題

    -          difficulty sleeping (insomnia 失眠)

    -          heart palpitations 心悸

    -          Dizziness 頭暈


    4.      Women get periods, unless they have had menopause (停經)already.


    Symptoms associated with menstrual 月經的 period:


    cramps (m 痛) / menstrual pain/ menstrual cramps Back pain 背疼 / Lower back pain 腰疼 (back can be the whole back)  (On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being extremely painful, how would you rate your pain?) When you go see a gynecologist, they would always ask, “When was the first day of your last period?” In Europe, men can pay to experience giving birth, would you do it?


    They use a machine that puts electric currents into your body to force your muscles to contract. 肌肉收縮 “It hits me like a train 疼到好像被火車撞. It feels as if my stomach is being so violently compressed it’s going to come out of my back.”


    The weather in Hong Kong is always so humid. The air is very polluted.


    ●       allergy 敏感

    ●       Nasal allergy 鼻敏感

    ●       food allergy 食物敏感

    -          Do you have any food allergies?

    -          My cat is allergic to gluten (a wheat allergy).

    ●       Allergic (Are you allergic to peanuts?/  A lot of westerners are allergic to peanuts)

    ●       Eczema 濕疹

    -          The doctor may prescribe steroid cream). / prescribe 配藥

    -          There is some rash.

    ●       Rash 皮疹


    ●       Diagnosed with 被診斷出 / diagnosis (noun)


    -          You have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.

    -          You have been diagnosed with pneumonia (肺炎).


    14/08/2022 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:04 - 20:35)