

    #Hashtag Hong Kong



    Listen to #Hashtag Hong Kong every Sunday morning at 8.15

    Focussing on issues affecting civil society, we'll hear from representatives of NGOs, associations, statutory bodies, and non-profit groups.

    (Sundays 8.15am - 8.25am)



    Dr. Anthony Ying, the Chairman of the Cancer Prevention/Early Detection Subcommittee of the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society

    I am Dr. Anthony Ying, the Chairman of the Cancer Prevention/Early Detection Subcommittee of the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society as well as an oncologist in Hong Kong. As pioneers in promoting cancer education, we, at the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society, recognise the significance of May as Skin Cancer Awareness Month. As summer approaches, let us emphasise the critical importance of raising awareness about this form of cancer.

    Skin cancer is a prevalent disease and skin cancer is actually the commonest human cancer. Its global incidence rate is rapidly increasing. Although the rate in Hong Kong is comparatively lower than in the West, the number of new cases continue to rise each year. This can be attributed to increased participation in outdoor activities and an ageing population. In fact, there were 1200 new cases of skin cancers reported in Hong Kong in 2021.

    It is crucial to dispel the misconception that skin cancer only affects individuals with fair skin. Regardless of skin color, anyone can develop skin cancer. In fact, certain factors increase the risk, including having numerous moles especially atypical moles, a history or family history of melanoma, prolonged exposure to sunlight, a history of severe sunburns with skin peeling and fair skin that easily burns.

    Recognising the signs and symptoms of skin cancer is important. Different types of skin cancer can present varied appearances, but common symptoms include the presence of a new spot that differs from surrounding skin, a non-healing sore, or a mole or spot that changes in size, shape, or color. It is important to be vigilant for moles that exhibit asymmetry, irregular or indistinct borders, uneven color distribution, a diameter exceeding 6 mm, or a raised surface with an irregular shape.

    While the incidence of skin cancer is high, its mortality rate is relatively low, provided it is not melanoma. Since our skin is a visible organ, skin abnormalities should be visible and detectable. Early detection plays a vital role in increasing the chances of successful treatment. If you notice any unusual changes in your skin, I urge you to visit your doctor without delay. Prompt consultation is critical. If your doctor suspects skin cancer, a biopsy will be recommended—a quick and simple procedure that removes a small piece of skin from the suspicious area under local anesthesia. The sample will then be sent to a laboratory for microscopic examination.

    Research indicates that 80% of skin cancers are preventable. Protecting our skin from the sun is the best preventive measure. Here are some essential tips to follow:  Avoid the sun when the UV Index is high and when the sun rays are strongest near mid-day.  Use sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15+ and PA++ on all exposed skin, including the lips.

     Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapply every 2 to 3 hours.
     Seek shade under trees or umbrellas when the sun is very strong.
     Wear hat, sunglasses, and suitable clothing that protect your skin.
     Avoid tanning beds and sunlamps.

    The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society offers comprehensive cancer care and education, including services for skin cancer. To assess your risk of developing skin cancer, I encourage you to join our free cancer screening programme. Our dedicated nurses will conduct a cancer risk assessment and provide personalised advice and referrals. Free leaflets on various types of cancers and short videos about cancer are also available on our website www.hkacs.org.hk and our YouTube channel.

    For those diagnosed with skin cancer requiring additional support, please dial 3921 3777 to connect with our Cancer Survivorship Care Project for free. Our professional social workers and nurses are available to provide counselling and support during your journey. Our publication "A-Z Guide for Caregivers," edited by Ms. Janet Wong, also offers comprehensive information for cancer caregivers.

    Or if you require rehabilitation, our Cancer Rehabilitation Centre offers holistic care services tailored to your needs. We particularly have a Charity Bed Program that provides free in-patient care services for those in need.

    All the cancer support and services mentioned above are made possible through generous donations. We welcome you to donate to our cause if you would like to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

    Lastly, I would like to dedicate the inspiring song 'We Are the Champions' to highlight the importance of solidarity and collective effort in the fight against skin cancer. Let this song serve as a cheerful reminder that together, we stand united, cheering on these brave fighters!

    12/05/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 08:15 - 08:30)


    03 - 05


    Dr. Anthony Ying, the Chairman of the Cancer Prevention/Early Detection Subcommittee of the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society


    iu Vor, Vice President of Hong Kong Entomological Society


    Faride Shroff, the Founder and CEO of SENsational Foundation


    Simon Wong, President of the Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades


    Ryan Yeung, Founder and CEO, Happy-Retired Charity Action


    Erica Lee, Director, The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association


    Christina Lee, Director of Wofoo Social Enterprises


    Joe Lo, Convenor of The Long Term Tobacco Policy Concern Group

    Eva Chan, Our Second Convenor of CAREREPS Platform

    CAREREPS, is a platform created by 13 local organizations, which is platform dedicated to delivering essential support services to caregivers. Its primary mission is to elevate awareness, recognition, and respect for these incredible individuals within our community. Through a comprehensive range of offerings such as service information, exclusive shop discounts, and valuable services, CAREREPS is actively working towards the construction of a warm and welcoming caregiver-friendly community, that involves diverse stakeholders.

    We believe care givers are playing an essential role in providing care to their loved ones. Their selfless dedication benefits not only the individuals, but also to the community. These caregivers invest countless hours and immeasurable effort in tending to the needs of others.

    à  Statistics from the 2020 Census further emphasize to their contributions. It refers that over 1- million individuals with disabilities and chronic disease are being cared for within our communities, and around 44% of them requiring the assistance of another person for their day-to-day needs.

    àThese figures serve as a powerful data which reflected the responsibility shouldered by caregivers and underscore the vital role they play in upholding the well-being of those in care.

    Nevertheless, caregivers often find themselves feeling too stressful for balancing different roles. They usually have to fulfill multiple commitments. From work obligations, to caring for their own families and shouldering their caregiving responsibilities. Unfortunately, this constant juggling can lead to burnout, leaving them physically and emotionally drained.

    Besides, witness their loved ones' suffering or decline can also be very stressful for caregivers.


    In a survey conducted by HKU in 2018, concerning caregivers of the elderly,  25% of respondents reported being at "high risk" for experiencing physical and mental issues due to the overwhelming burden of caregiving. These dedicated individuals faced challenges, like symptoms of depression and strained family relationships.


    The findings of this survey shows the weight of their responsibilities and the demanding nature of their role, can lead to mental health struggles, including depression. Additionally, the strain of caregiving can impact family dynamics. Such insights highlight the urgent need for support systems and resources to aid caregivers in navigating these difficulties. Recognizing the potential risks and challenges they face is vital in ensuring their well-being and fostering a healthier caregiving environments.


    The aging population in Hong Kong has led to an increased demand for community caregiving. However, caregivers often face several challenges in meeting these demands.

    First, there is a significant lack of affordable and easily accessible community support services in HK. Hong Kong is famous for our lengthy waiting lists for services catering to the elderly and individuals with disabilities, such as day care, respite care, and meal delivery.

    Furthermore, the situation is similarly challenging in child care services. With only 908 subsidized childcare centers available, the number falls significantly short when compared to the over 220,000 children aged 0-4 in Hong Kong as of the end of 2021. It's no surprise that these centers operate at full capacity, resulting in a severe shortage of community-based child care services.

    Furthermore, care givers often face a significant lack of appreciation within the community, particularly in Chinese society. In this cultural context, the responsibility of caring for one's spouse and parents is often perceived as a  duty, rather than something deserving of recognition or appreciation. As a result, care givers find themselves lack of understanding and acceptance.

    Providing support to care givers is essential for their own physical and mental well-being, which, in turn, enables them to continue delivering exceptional care.

    Recent news reports of care givers experiencing burnout and even expressing thoughts of suicide have deeply saddened us all. By prioritizing the support of care givers, we can help prevent such distressing outcomes. nurturing their mental well-being, providing them with the resources and assistance necessary to cope with the emotional challenges that arise from their caregiving pathway.

    Furthermore, relieving financial stress can enhance employment engagement, leading to increased workforce participation. We firmly advocate for prioritizing the needs of deprived care givers and providing them with special considerations.


    We believe that supporting care givers is a collaborative effort involving multiple stakeholders. CAREREPS has put forward a few feasible suggestions to promote this cause:

    Firstly, we propose the introduction of a government-recognized "Carer Easy Access Card." This card is now provided to our members who have joined the EPS. The purpose of this card is to enhance the identification of care givers. It would serve as a tool for identifying care givers in various situations, such as facilitating emergency responses. Additionally, it would provide access to essential information about the care giver, ensuring streamlined and efficient care provision.

    Building upon this point, we strongly advocate for the inclusion of carer identity within the Electronic Health Record System. By incorporating carer identification into the healthcare system, healthcare providers would be better equipped to recognize and address the unique needs of care givers, particularly those at high risk. This integration would enable early intervention and support, ensuring that care givers receive the assistance they require in a timely manner.

    Secondly, we recommend to strengthen the inter-sector collaboration. Supporting care givers not only by social service setting, which should involve healthcare, schools and families. The government should take lead to build up platforms for information exchanges, such as regular meetings and communication channels

    Lastly, it is important to recognize that the needs of care givers are diverse. Establishing an effective communication and referral system within a community-based mechanism is crucial. This collaborative approach ensures that the needs of care givers are adequately addressed and that community support is appropriately and promptly matched. By implementing such a system, we can enhance the overall support and assistance available to care givers, fostering a more responsive and inclusive caregiving environment.


    Currently, our platform operates on a voluntary basis with limited resources, as we are supported by 13 organizations as mentioned. We are actively seeking financial support to ensure the stability and sustainability of our platform.

    Given the voluntary nature of our platform, developing a comprehensive network has been challenging. Nevertheless, we firmly believe in the importance of engaging key stakeholders, including the government, additional NGOs, healthcare providers, and partners from the business sector. We are actively working towards establishing partnerships with these stakeholders.

    In conclusion, we hope that the government will consider these proposals. By doing so, we can collectively build a carer-friendly community, where the needs of care givers are met, and support is readily available.


    10/12/2023 - 足本 Full (HKT 08:15 - 08:30)

    10/12/2023 - Eva Chan, Our Second Convenor of CAREREPS Platform