

    Mind Matters



    主持人:Carol Mang

    Every week, all around Hong Kong, there are many fascinating talks and lectures happening, on a variety of topics. You can easily find them online by looking at the websites of our universities, societies, and libraries. We've chosen ten for you to listen to here on Radio 3. For the next few Sunday mornings, starting Sunday 9th July at 7.30am, Carol Mang will be introducing abridged versions of what we think are a great selection of talks for you to listen to, and indulge your... Mind Matters

    Sunday mornings at 7.30... on Radio 3



    Professor Krislert Samphantharak - Southeast Asia in the Changing Global Economy

    In this week's episode, we will be talking about Southeast Asian economic development. Professor Krislert Samphantharak from the University of California San Diego examines the common transition of most ASEAN countries from closed, import-oriented central planning to open, export-oriented market economies. He argues that the wealthier countries’ focus should shift from promoting growth to enhancing prosperity, resilience, sustainability, and inclusivity. Professor Samphantharak was invited by the Asia Global Institute to give a talk entitled “Southeast Asia in the Changing Global Economy”.

    21/07/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 07:30 - 08:00)


    05 - 07

    Professor Kendall Johnson - Translating the Declaration of Independence, HKU

    主持人:Carol Mang

    In this week's episode, we will have a look into the American Declaration of Independence, introduced by the American missionary Reverend Elijah C Bridgman of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions in 1838. With 2026 marking the 250th anniversary of the Declaration, Professor Kendall Johnson from the HKU School of English, will explain how it offers a perspective in understanding the longer history of Sino-American commercial and diplomatic relations. Mr Johnson was invited by the University of Hong Kong to give a talk entitled Translating the Declaration of Independence: American Frontiers of Good Governance in the Era of Opium Wars, and we'll hear some of it this Sunday.


    03/12/2023 - 足本 Full (HKT 07:30 - 08:00)