

    The Brew with Phil Whelan



    主持人:Phil Whelan

    Every weekday from noon, The Brew is a chat and music show. Hosted by Phil Whelan, guests include regular contributors and drop-ins, who span topics from current affairs to cookery, sport, the arts, technology, and music... lots of music. For 19 years, Phil has presented 'Morning Brew', but now that we've moved to the lunchtime spot, all we need to change is the name. We have the same MB crew coming to you on the same days, and we're open for business... as usual.



    James Marsh – Movie Time / Danny Hicks – Sports and All

    Happy Friday and welcome to The Brew. Well, here we are again on the brink of Marshy Movie Time. All will be revealed at 12:10. Danny Hicks returns at 1:25 for this week's mainly football, but with a touch of F1... 'Sports and All'. Join Danny, and James, on Facebook live.

    13/09/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 12:05 - 14:00)

    第一部份 Part 1 (HKT 12:05 - 13:00)

    第二部份 Part 2 (HKT 13:15 - 14:00)

    13/09/2024 - James Marsh – Movie Time

    13/09/2024 - Danny Hicks – Sports and All


    08 - 09

    Morris Miselowski – Business Futurism / Jarrod Watt - Aussie journalist / Dr Merrin Pearse and Christie Wong - Exotic pet trade

    主持人:Phil Whelan

    On Tuesday's Brew we'll celebrate the silly side of science, with biz futurist Morris Miselowski. Today at 12.10 he'll tell you all about the 2023 Ig Nobel Prize winners, as you ask "why did they invent that?". At 12.40 Jarrod Watt's back with all his latest Aussie news and views, along with more great Down Under music. At 1.20 Dr. Merrin Pearse joins us from Rio Dulce in Guatemala. Today we are talking with Christie Wong, Wildlife Programme Officer with ADM Capital Foundation, about the exotic pet trade. The focus will be on parrots and reptiles, due to their popularity, complex health requirements, long lifespan, and many being threatened in the wild. Join Merrin and Christie on Facebook live as well.


    19/09/2023 - 足本 Full (HKT 12:05 - 14:00)

    第一部份 Part 1 (HKT 12:05 - 13:00)

    第二部份 Part 2 (HKT 13:15 - 14:00)

    19/09/2023 - Morris Miselowski – Business Futurism

    19/09/2023 - Jarrod Watt - Aussie journalist

    19/09/2023 - Dr Merrin Pearse and Christie Wong - Exotic pet trade