

    The Brew



    主持人:Phil Whelan

    Every weekday from noon, The Brew is a chat and music show. Hosted by Phil Whelan, guests include regular contributors and drop-ins, who span topics from current affairs to cookery, sport, the arts, technology, and music... lots of music. For 19 years, Phil has presented 'Morning Brew', but now that we've moved to the lunchtime spot, all we need to change is the name. We have the same MB crew coming to you on the same days, and we're open for business... as usual.



    Morris Miselowski – Business Futurism / Jarrod Watt – Australia / Dr. Merrin Pearse and Suzanne Younan – Green Dragons HK

    Today on The Brew we look at the future of... beverages. Yes, tea and coffee, and of course other drinks, are on the menu. It's a thing, according to our biz futurist Morris Miselowski. He'll be with you at 12.10 today. Jarrod Watt returns from a crazy, whirlwind tour of the old country at 12.40. With more great Aussie tracks, he'll fill you in. Then at 1.25, Dr. Merrin Pearse is joined by Suzanne Younan from Green Dragons HK to talk about the ongoing challenges and progress made in eliminating single use plastic during dragon boating training and festival events. Suzanne is the founder of Green Dragons HK, which was setup in 2017 to bring the dragon boat community together and take action. Join Merrin and Suzanne on Facebook live if you can.

    Every weekday afternoon from 12 until 2... Only on Radio 3

    21/05/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 12:05 - 14:00)

    第一部份 Part 1 (HKT 12:05 - 13:00)

    第二部份 Part 2 (HKT 13:15 - 14:00)

    21/05/2024 - Morris Miselowski – Business Futurism

    21/05/2024 - Jarrod Watt – Australia

    21/05/2024 - Dr. Merrin Pearse and Suzanne Younan – Green Dragons HK



    Tracy Quan – Columnist / Philippe Dova – RTL France’s Tokyo Correspondent / Paul Archibald – Classical music

    主持人:Phil Whelan

    Welcome to another sunny ​Brew. New York correspondent Tracy Quan has lots to tell you about today​. And​, she’s also ​been inspired to writ​e some more poetry​, which can never be a bad thing. Join her at the top of the show. We're off to Tokyo at 12:40 to catch up with RTL France’s Philip Dova​ for another French injection. Once again it’s ​'classical​' music day. Paul Archibald join us from Bangkok ​at 1:25 to talk about ​'talent​'. The talent of today,​ that interprets the talent of yesterday. Thr​ough more music by the great ​masters​, w​e'll be finding out about some amazing​ and very ​young conductors who are ​captivating the musical world. Every weekday afternoon from 12 until 2... Only on Radio 3


    17/04/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 12:05 - 14:00)

    第一部份 Part 1 (HKT 12:05 - 13:00)

    第二部份 Part 2 (HKT 13:15 - 14:00)

    17/04/2024 - Tracy Quan – Columnist

    17/04/2024 - Philippe Dova – RTL France’s Tokyo Correspondent

    17/04/2024 - Paul Archibald – Classical music