



    世界正面臨着自工業化以來最重大的變革:遠離石油、煤炭和天然氣等化石燃料。 遠離化石燃料是一個巨大的挑戰。氣候變遷對人類在地球上生活及繁榮造成威脅。我們目前依賴的能源體系需要完全被替代。世界正在與時間賽跑。一個與自然和諧的再生能源體系是否能令地球更加穩定?再生能源不但超越傳統能源體系,還可以更加經濟實惠嗎?我們深入了解一下這場競賽中的關鍵要素,和在最前線的變革思想,一窺這種轉變如何變為現實。

    The world is facing the greatest change since industrialisation: a shift away from fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas.
    The challenge is gigantic. Climate change threatens our lives and our prosperity on planet Earth. The current energy system on which our lives and our economy are based needs to be replaced, in its entirety. The world is in a race against time. Could a regenerative energy system in harmony with nature stabilise our planet and, in the end, be not only ecologically superior to the old system, but also cheaper? We show the elements and the minds that are at the "front line" in this race to show how this transformation can become reality.





    Don't wait, just do it

    The second part of the documentary explores what needs to happen to realize technical possibilities. It visits two contrasting locations in the USA and Bavaria, both of which have fully transitioned to renewable energy and now enjoy greater financial resources. These examples highlight existing solutions for a global energy transition while also addressing the challenges ahead. The film emphasizes the importance of action from both innovators and decision-makers to drive this change forward today.

    網上重溫至 05/02/2025


    12 - 01
    2024 - 2025
    RTHK 31
    • 綠能革命: 與時競賽(下)

      綠能革命: 與時競賽(下)



      Don't wait, just do it

      The second part of the documentary explores what needs to happen to realize technical possibilities. It visits two contrasting locations in the USA and Bavaria, both of which have fully transitioned to renewable energy and now enjoy greater financial resources. These examples highlight existing solutions for a global energy transition while also addressing the challenges ahead. The film emphasizes the importance of action from both innovators and decision-makers to drive this change forward today.

    • 綠能革命: 與時競賽(上)

      綠能革命: 與時競賽(上)



      Innovations from Ilmenau to California.

      This documentary explores whether we can provide enough green energy for the entire world, traveling to locations like gigantic offshore wind farms in the North Sea and state-of-the-art solar fields in Spain, which could supply all of Europe with electricity. To meet the rising energy demand sustainably and affordably, researchers at the Ilmenau University of Technology in Thuringia are collaborating with a team from the California Institute of Technology to develop high-tech materials that will make renewable energies more efficient and cheaper than fossil fuels.
