

Language Academy






    Bonjour! 趁著巴黎奧運年推出的新一輯法語篇,透過多位法國人物 — 顧拜旦、路易十四、伏爾泰、孟德斯鳩、艾菲爾、莫奈、聖修伯里等,一起輕鬆學習法文,感受浪漫文化。
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    法語篇#2 太陽王路易十四

    Louis XIV - 路易十四

    Le Roi Soleil - 太陽王 (路易十四的稱號)

    Les chaussures à talons - 高踭鞋

    Le parfum - 香水

    Le Louvre/Musée du Louvre - 羅浮宮

    La Joconde - 蒙娜麗莎 (法語名稱)

    La Vénus de Milo - 米洛的維納斯

    La Victoire de Samothrace - 勝利女神像

    Le Château de Versailles - 凡爾賽宮

    La Galerie des Glaces – (凡爾賽宮內的)鏡廳


    法語,作爲歐洲語言的其中一個特點,是每一個名詞都可以分爲男或女,或稱爲陽性和陰性。例如法國和中國是陰性的名詞,前面需要用la;加拿大是陽性的名詞,需要用le。如果像澳洲,以A這樣的元音開頭,便不能說la Australie,而需要連在一起,説成l’Australie,寫法是l加一撇。

    大家常聽到的一句“C'est la vie”,因爲人生vie在法文是陰性,所以前面會加la。字面的意思是這就是人生,但其實更加像我們中文裏面説的人生不如意事十常八九,你還是接受吧,所以用這句的時候通常都是有些不好的事情發生了。。

    19/05/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:00 - 20:30)



    英語篇#8 City Hall Foundation Stone Ceremony - Robert Black


    Summary of the Speech:

    - Meaning of “city hall”: the administrative building of a municipal市政的 government.

    - The City Hall in Hong Kong, however, is a social and cultural center for the whole city. This intention was reflected in the speech of Sir Robert Black at the foundation stone laying ceremony.


    Some Important Parts of the Speech:

    In planning the construction of this building with its concert, hall theater, library museum, art gallery, and other facilities, government is very conscious of the unique position which Hong Kong occupies in our midst are two great cities with large cosmopolitan populations. Cosmopolitan not only in the sense of peoples of different races and nationalities, but also in terms of Chinese who have come from different provinces, who speak different dialects 方言and who follow different customs.


    - Conscious 意識到;察覺到;感覺到/有意識的

    He's still conscious but he's very badly injured. 他神志還清醒,但傷得很重。

    She is very conscious of how she looks. 她很在意自己的外表。


    - Cosmopolitan 來自世界各地的;國際大都會的

    Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan city. 香港是一個國際大都會。


    At Beauty's glance, not only must people work, they must walk in the city. They have built it, they have to live here and express themselves.


    - Suggests a connection between beauty, human activity, and the urban environment.

    - When people experience beauty, they are not only motivated to work but also to engage with their surroundings actively. The phrase "they must walk in the city" suggests that people are compelled to explore and navigate the urban environment.


    - Glance 迅速地看一眼,掃視 (noun/verb)

    He glanced at the email and then deleted it. 他迅速看了一眼電郵就把它刪除了。

    She took a glance at her watch. 她看了一看手錶。


    31/03/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:00 - 20:30)