



    主持人:Janice Wong and Mike Rowse

    Backchat is RTHK Radio 3's week-daily current affairs discussion programme, with expert panels and listener participation. It airs every Monday to Friday from 9.05am - 10am (HKT).
    Have your say by calling us on 233 88 266, find us on Facebook - Backchat on RTHK Radio 3, or email backchat@rthk.hk  

    Listen live on Radio 3's homepage - www.rthk.hk/radio/radio3

    The Backchat podcast is available after each live broadcast



    Global Focus look at US Presidential election/ Green groups concerns about the government’s plans for South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor.

    On Friday's Backchat, Global Focus look at the latest developments in the US Presidential election following President Biden’s decision to withdraw from the race.

    Has Vice President Kamala Harris entry into the race given the Democrats’ a better chance of success? Or is former President Donald Trump still the odds-on favourite? And from China to Ukraine, where does Kamala Harris stand on foreign policy, and what implications would she have for this part of the world? 

    Later in the programme, we hear from local green groups about their concerns about the government’s plans for a South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor.

    26/07/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 09:05 - 10:00)

    26/07/2024 - : Latest developments in the US Presidential election

    26/07/2024 - Green groups concerns about the government’s South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor’s plan



    Mong Kong falling concrete incident /Study on Hong Kong's food carbon footprint

    主持人:Janice Wong and Mike Rowse

    On Wednesday's Backchat, we're looking at illegal building structures 

    The Buildings Department revealed earlier this week that pieces of concrete that fell from a tall building in Mong Kok on to a busy street on Sunday came from an illegal canopy attached to a sixteenth-floor flat. 

    It'salso confirmed that the building's owners corporation was ordered to correct defects nine years ago, but the work has yet to start.

    Why the long delay? Could this be the tip of the iceberg? 

    After 9:45am, we look at a new study on food's carbon footprint

    9:05am-9:45am: Mong Kok falling concrete incident

    9:05-9:45am: Marvin Chen, Former President of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects
    9:05-9:45am: Yung Yau, Professor of Urban Studies, Hong Kong Lingnan University 

    9:30am-9:45am: Arthur Cheung, Chairman, Building Surveying Division, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

    9:45am-10:00am: Study on Hong Kong's food carbon footprint

    9:45am-10:00am: Charlotte Lam, Member of EATcofriendly


    05/07/2023 - 足本 Full (HKT 09:05 - 10:00)

    05/07/2023 - Mong Kong falling concrete incident

    05/07/2023 - Study on Hong Kong's food carbon footprint