Today's Tuesday. Welcome to The Brew. In this day and age of virtual interaction, what does it take to create an en masse shift in behaviour, and what might cause that to happen? Biz futurist Morris Miselowski will be with you at 12:10, live from Melbourne, to talk about the 'Bluesky revolution', and other assorted stuff. Jarrod Watt returns at 12:40 with this week's bag of Aussieness. And, at 1:25 Dr. Merrin Pearse is joined by Alex Grioni, the Senior Vet at Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, to talk about their black-eared kite wing tagging project. The black kite is the most common diurnal (as opposed to nocturnal) raptor in Hong Kong, though little is known about their post-rehabilitation release survival and behaviour. Join Merrin and Alex on Facebook live as well.
Every weekday afternoon from 12 until 2... Only on Radio 3