

Language Academy




    主持人:Maggie 黃蔚兒、Joanne 譚綺旻


    Bonjour! 趁著巴黎奧運年推出的新一輯法語篇,透過多位法國人物 — 顧拜旦、路易十四、伏爾泰、孟德斯鳩、艾菲爾、莫奈、聖修伯里等,一起輕鬆學習法文,感受浪漫文化。
    #藝文一格 rthk.hk/artitude



    英語篇#13 Landing a Man on the Moon - John Kennedy

    Summary of the Speech:

    - Explain how the Soviets were overtaking the power and US needed to make a move.

    - Asked Congress for funds to support this moon mission.

    - Also asked for funds to improve space satellites for communication, nuclear rockets, and satellites for world-wide weather observation.


    Some Important Parts of the Speech:

    “Finally, if we are to win the battle that is now going on around the world between freedom and tyranny, the dramatic achievements in space which occurred in recent weeks should have made clear to us all, as did the Sputnik in 1957, the impact of this adventure on the minds of men everywhere, who are attempting to make a determination of which road they should take.”


    - Dramatic 戲劇性的;激動人心的/ 戲劇的;表演的

    A dramatic change/improvement 戲劇性的變化/改善

    We watched scenes of the dramatic rescue on the news. 我們在新聞中看到了驚心動魄的救援場面


    “Now it is time to take longer strides --time for a great new American enterprise企業;--time for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our future on earth.”


    - Stride 進展,進步/ 大步,闊步 (n), 大步快走,闊步行進 (v)

    The group has made strides to expand internationally. 這個集團在拓展國際市場方面獲得很大的進展

    She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager. 她果斷地大步走到桌前,要求見經理


    “First, I believe that this nation should commit承諾 itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.”


    - Decade 10年

    - Century 100年

    - Millennium 1000年

    05/05/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:00 - 20:30)





    英語篇 #9 求救相關的英文用語

    主持人:Maggie 黃蔚兒、Joanne 譚綺旻

    Do you enjoy hiking? SCMP news headline: Cost to rescue two stranded hikers in Hong Kong runs into hundreds of thousands

    -          rescue 救援

    -          stranded 滯留的,被困住的

    The whale is stranded on the beach.


    -          on the beach vs at the beach

    at the beach - General location/ Where are you? I am at the beach.

    on the beach - You are really on the sand.

    No one says “in the beach”.


    -          除了stranded, 有個相似的字: stuck 動不了的

    We are stuck in the elevator 升降機. (UK: lift)


    -          Why do many Hong Kong people like to go out in Typhoon No. 8?

    It must be for the thrill  (thrill 快感/ 興奮)


    Have you ever called 999 in HK or anywhere else?

    car crash = car accident 交通意外


    打999用語 What You Might Be Asked When You Call 999


    The operator (操作員) may ask: 


    Which emergency service do you require? 你需要哪種緊急服務?

    ●       Fire service 消防

    ●       Police 警察

    ●       Ambulance 救護車


                If I remember correctly, in the US, the operator would say this:


                “911, what’s your emergency?”


    How to Describe Your Emergency


    ●       I am on ABC Street in front of the BCD building and there’s a car accident. Several people are hurt. One person is trapped under the car.

    ●       我的廚房著火了! My kitchen is on fire!

    ●       有人闖入我家! I think someone has just broken into my house!

    ●       有人偷了我的銀包  Someone stole my wallet!

    ●       我摔倒了,我想我的肩膀脫臼了 I fell and I think I dislocated my shoulder.

    ●       她是無意識的 She is unconscious.

    ●       我想他只是中風了 I think he's just had a stroke.


    Why is it “911” in the US but not “999”?


    On the old rotary phones, it would take longer to dial “999”.


    Every country has different emergency numbers.

    911 and 112 numbers are recognized worldwide as emergency numbers. They should be able to redirect your call.


    Aviation emergency verbiage

    -          Mayday  (also used by mariners) for life-threatening emergencies

    Created by a British man who worked at an airport in London in the 1920s.  It is the phonetic equivalent of a French word that means “help me”. At the time, most air traffic was to and from Paris.

    -          say it on the radio three times

    -          Pan-pan is also named after a French word that means “breakdown”.

    for urgent situations that are not life-threatening (such as component breakdown)


     SOS (What does this mean?)


     “Save Our Ship”

      It is a Morse code distress signal used on ships. 

      It is three short taps followed by three long taps, and then three short taps again.


    31/07/2022 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:04 - 20:35)