

Language Academy




    主持人:Maggie 黃蔚兒、譚永暉



    《語妙天下》(Language Academy) 推出新一輯英語篇,選取了歷史性的演講詞,學習如何透過語言說服和打動人;另外還有Miss Maggie的實用筆記,為公開試考生加油!





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    英語篇#10 Resignation Address in 1974 - Richard Nixon

    Summary of the Speech:

    - Nixon concluded that he no longer had "a strong enough political base in the Congress" to make it possible for him to complete his term of office.

    - He had never been a quitter, and to leave office before the end of his term "is abhorrent 深惡痛絕 to every instinct 本能 in my body.”

    - He mentioned he must put the interests of America first.


    Some Important Parts of the Speech:

    “I would have preferred to carry through to the finish whatever the personal agony it would have involved, and my family unanimously urged me to do so. But the interest of the Nation must always come before any personal considerations.”


    - Agony (肉體或精神的)極度痛苦

    My aunt has cancer and she has been in agony.


    - Unanimously 一致地

    The Board voted unanimously to terminate his three-year contract.



    - Urge 敦促; 驅策

    We were urged to wash our hands frequently to prevent the spread of germs.


    To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication 辯護; 證明正當 would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the President and the Congress in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home.


    Absorb 吸收

    - I need to a tissue to absorb the water on the table.

    - Absorb the time and attention (耗盡時間及精神)

    14/04/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:00 - 20:30)



    英語篇 #17 工作相關的英文用語

    主持人:Maggie 黃蔚兒、譚永暉

    1.            Do you know people like that in the office -

    ○           刷鞋仔: Apple polisher / yes man

                    There are also colleagues who just can’t say no.

    ○           People may take advantage of you if you are too nice.


    2.            Instead of saying “no”, what can we say? (useful on emails as well)

    ○           I regret to inform you…(that we cannot accommodate 遷就/容納 your request)

    ○           I am afraid I cannot…(offer you a refund on this product)

    ○           Unfortunately, due to circumstances, we cannot …(deliver the product to you on time)


    3.            Sometimes, it’s not good to just say ‘no!’ Instead you can give them alternatives:

    ●           I am sorry that hasn’t worked out, what we can do is…(offer you compensation 補償)

    ●           I can understand your point of view, how about we do this instead.

    ●           You’ve made some valid 有效 points, perhaps we can compromise 妥協 and…….

    (The security system has been compromised. 保安系統已被破壞)

    ●           I agree with you, but can we add…(more staff to help out at the event)


    4.            How to politely chase someone for their work

    ●           Is there any chance that you can get it done sooner?

    ●           Where are you on this project?

    ●           I don’t mean to rush you but the client has been chasing me. 唔洗急最緊要快 (chase - 追趕)

    ●           I would just like to follow up on the progress. (US and UK pronunciation)


    5.            Different work personality types.

    ●           The Driver; data and results-minded person. Someone who is decisive 決定性,focused and wants to try new things.

    ●           The Integrator; someone who builds relationships and boosts morale 鼓舞士氣. Someone who is diplomatic 懂得外交 and empathetic 善解人意.

    ●           The Guardian; someone who maintains structure 保持結構 and order. It is someone who is reserved 含蓄, but they are methodical 有方法的 and detailed oriented 做事細心仔細.

    ●           The Pioneer; a risk-taker 冒險者. These people are often leaders, they are outgoing, they see the bigger picture, and are confident.


    Work-life balance


    Westernized companies might have a better emphasis on work-life balance.

    ●       They would allow flextime 自由工作時間.  You can choose your work hours.

    ●       WFH.

    ○        I think because of Covid and technology, it has changed the way we work and has allowed us, the employees, to spend more time at home.

    ■        A lot of big companies are downsizing  (downsize - (使)減員) their offices.

    ■        A lot of companies offer a hybrid model 混合模式 of working from home 1-2 days and then at the office for the rest of the week.

    ●       Countries such as the UK, Belgium, and many Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway and Sweden, etc.) are implementing 實施 a 4-day work week.

    ●       New World HK has also implemented a 4.5 half-day work week.


    Studies show that working longer hours doesn’t make you more productive. 

    ●       The ideal number of hours you should work per week is 38-hours according to Denmark, consistently one of the happiest countries in the world. Studies have also shown you should take 6 weeks off per year to obtain optimal 最佳 happiness.

    ●       Studies in Iceland also show that you are 13% more productive when you are happy.

    ●       Americans are not taking half of their vacation days. Studies have shown that  ⅔ of Americans even work on their holidays.

    ●       The World Health Organisation said that if you work on average of 55 hours or more each week, you increase the risk of stroke by 35%, and the risk of dying from heart disease by 17%, compared to people who only work on average 35-40 hours per week.


    02/10/2022 - 足本 Full (HKT 20:04 - 20:35)