主持人:Phil Whelan
網上直播完畢稍後提供節目重溫。 Archive will be available after live webcast
James in for Phil for one day only, and we kick off after 12 with our business futurist Morris Miselowski looking at the future of influence, and how global companies are setting the agenda... After 12.30 Jarrod Watt with All Things Aussie, and then after the one o'clock news Merrin Pearse's special guest is Emma Sutcliffe joining us to talk about Electric Vehicle battery fires. Emma is a Volunteer Firefighter and Director of EV FireSafe, an Australian company researching electric vehicle high voltage battery fires. We round it off with a chat with Dave Wilkinson, the organiser of this weekend's Lamma Fun Day. Plus the best in music through until 2pm.
主持人:Phil Whelan
Welcome to a wet and getting wetter Monday here on The Brew. It's perfect rugby weather, so Robbie McRobbie will be with you at his usual time of 12.10, with all the latest. Chris Watts is with us at 12.40 to fix your 'training zones', so stick around and join him on Facebook live if you can. He'll happily answer any questions you may have about, well, anything really. Neil Runcieman is busy today, so he'll be back next week. Instead, at 1.25 we'll be finding out all about a very cool French May event called 'Symphony of New Worlds'. It's a wonderful combo of music and movement styles from around the world. It involves two orchestras as well, one of them being the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong. Our friend (and CCOHK boss) Leanne Nicholls will fill you in. And... as The Peninsula Hotel is the lead sponsor for this event, you can win dinner for two at 'Felix' today, as well. Listen out for the question so simple that even Phil knows the answer, and email your answer, and your phone number, to radio3@rthk.hk. As usual, we'll pick a name from the hat near the end of today's Brew (clue: brush up on your Pen history).
Every weekday afternoon from 12 until 2... Only on Radio 3