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CIBS節目:與你A cappella (A cappella with you)




A cappella本來只描述中世紀教堂裡的純人聲合唱,時至今日已演變為多元化的音樂表演模式。節目透過深入淺出的教學,讓聽眾都可以唱出「得把口」的音樂。每集主持樂樺@樂印姊妹都會帶來一首與本地組合合作的A Cappella 改編作品及分享歌曲背後的小故事。

A cappella originally referred to the unaccompanied choral music sung in medieval churches. Today, a cappella have cultivated into a diversified genre of musical performance. Through an easy-to-understand approach, the programme will guide the audience to try out unaccompanied singing. In each episode, the programme host Yan-wa@SiS will team up with a local pop group to sing a song in a cappella rearrangement and share the story behind