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In the Common Room Be entertained, and be inspired!!

    In the Common Room



    Presenter:Alyson Hau

    Every weekday after the 5pm news, Join Alyson Hau In the Common Room for the latest ‘BackStage’ celebrity interviews and hottest trending topics, intriguing discussions with students in ‘Open Space’, and know all about the trending hot topics in 'Hashtag This'. Also, get inspired by guests with alternative career choices and unconventional life stories in ‘Off Campus’. And, you can learn more about sustainability and environmental issues every week in ‘SportsFix’ and ‘Savvy Earth Savers’.

    Follow us on 
    Facebook: @commonroomradio3
    IG: @commonroomradio



    BackStage - Kung Fu Panda 4

    What's on today in the Common Room?
    "SportsFix" with Ben - Peter Lam San Tung
    "Off Campus" with Ivanhoe Lam - Multi-Disciplinary Director
    "Hashtag This" - #BringingChange with Rae
    "BackStage" with Kung Fu Panda 4

    19/04/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 17:05 - 18:00)



    BackStage with The Little Mermaid (Live Action)

    Presenter:Alyson Hau

    What's on today in the Common Room?
    "Open Space" - Pui Ying Secondary School
    "Off Campus" with Ryan Yip (Climate Change Advocate)
    "Social Takeover" - Teen Animals da Scientists
    "BackStage" with "The Little Mermaid (Live Action)"

    RTHK Radio 3

    16/05/2023 - 足本 Full (HKT 17:05 - 18:00)

    16/05/2023 - "Open Space" - Pui Ying Secondary School