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    #Hashtag Hong Kong



    Listen to #Hashtag Hong Kong every Sunday morning at 8.15

    Focussing on issues affecting civil society, we'll hear from representatives of NGOs, associations, statutory bodies, and non-profit groups.

    (Sundays 8.15am - 8.25am)



    Faride Shroff, the Founder and CEO of SENsational Foundation

    Hello, My name is Faride Shroff, the Founder and CEO of SENsational Foundation. Disability inclusion is an increasingly important field that has gained prominence and attention in recent years. Despite this, people with disabilities often referred to as PwDs, remain a marginalised and often neglected group in society, as well as an untapped talent pool, with limited access to opportunities and resources, especially in Hong Kong.

    There are a number of prominent problems that PWDs are facing in the workplace and in education. Whether this be a lack of knowledge on disability inclusion or the sheer disinterest in hiring people with disabilities, there is a large gap in disability awareness in Hong Kong.

    To begin with, let’s talk about accessibility, there are so many buildings, offices, public facilities and educational institutions where accessibility measures have not been kept in mind. This can be solved by adhering to the principles of human centred universal design for urban development. Even new buildings that are meant to be fully accessible for all, have limitations such as cargo lifts for wheelchair users, smaller lift door sizes that hinder movement, lift buttons without sensory and tactile accommodations, and heavy access doors that only have a handle. Accessible restrooms ironically are still not accessible to all PwD’s.

    Making physical spaces, transportation, information, and communication accessible to individuals with diverse disabilities are very important. Some real time examples could be installing ramps, elevators, and handrails and designing websites and digital content to be accessible to people with visual or hearing impairments. Advocating for their rights through public campaigns, workshops, and training programs that educate the general public, employers, and educators about disabilities ignites the conversation about disability inclusion and hopefully sparks action from society we live in.

    Discrimination and social isolation are another factor that affect PwD’s on a daily basis. Whether that discrimination is from peers or from the general community, whether this is intentional or not, it manifests due to unconscious bias, judgment and fear. Due to this, PwD’s face stigmatisation leading to social isolation and limiting their social interactions. This isolation can impact their well-being and mental health, interfering with their integration into the workplace and educational environment.

    Limited opportunities in education, services and employment are also affected in Hong Kong. It is an ongoing journey where we all have a part to play. Each student has a right to be given equitable opportunities to thrive in the learning environment, to receive a fair education regardless of disabilities. Along with lack of accommodations, many schools and companies do not provide assistive technologies such as braille displays or speech to text software. PwD’s often face multiple barriers when seeking employment, which stems from the stigma and negative preconceived opinions about their capabilities. Due to these perceptions, companies tend not to consider PwD’s when posting job vacancies. 

    It is a learning process for everyone. The first step is acknowledging the problems that PwD’s face on a daily basis and educating yourself on how you can make a difference whether that be in the workplace, educational environment or in your community. Collaborative efforts and activating allyship need to be done to address these challenges. The mindset of promoting accessibility, implementing inclusive policies and most importantly raising awareness about disability inclusion needs to happen every day. Even the smallest change can make a PwD’s daily experiences more positive. By breaking barriers of stigma that surrounds PwD’s, it is already a step in the right direction. 

    At SENsational Foundation, we believe that disability inclusion is not only a matter of social justice but a human right. Investing in disability inclusion, we will be able to create a more equitable and inclusive society where everyone can participate and reach their full potential. Remember, we all are SENsational! I would now like to dedicate this song for all PwD’s saying I am Alive by Celine Dion.

    28/04/2024 - 足本 Full (HKT 08:15 - 08:30)


    02 - 04
    RTHK Radio 3


    Faride Shroff, the Founder and CEO of SENsational Foundation


    Simon Wong, President of the Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades


    Ryan Yeung, Founder and CEO, Happy-Retired Charity Action


    Erica Lee, Director, The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association


    Christina Lee, Director of Wofoo Social Enterprises


    Joe Lo, Convenor of The Long Term Tobacco Policy Concern Group


    Fiona Nott, CEO of The Women's Foundation


    Innocent Mutanga, Founder and CEO of Africa Center Hong Kong

    Joyce Fung, co-founder of Free Periods Hong Kong

    Period poverty is a social issue that is gaining increasing attention worldwide, but not something new. Generally, “period poverty” refers to the phenomenon where someone is lacking access to menstrual products, safe and hygienic spaces to handle periods, and the fundamental right to manage their menstruation with dignity without unnecessary shame and taboo.

    One might doubt whether period poverty actually exists in a highly modernised city like Hong Kong, and indeed it is a question we are always asked. Surely, period poverty here may not be as extreme as some other places, but there are plenty of aspects we are lagging behind. At Free Periods Hong Kong, we define period poverty as a threefold issue: a lack of sufficient and quality products and a lack of knowledge or misconceptions about menstruation caused by the shaming of period and a society that is not period-friendly.

    According to our estimation, the basic cost of one cycle’s worth of period product is equivalent to one pack of 5kg rice, which is around $60-70. Imagine a grassroots family with more than one person who menstruates, or with the need to use more expensive products due to various reasons, for example a heavier flow or skin allergy? A survey we have conducted shows that a striking 42% of respondents have tried saving money by not changing menstrual pads even when it is fully soaked or have been used for more than 4 hours. 27% of respondents would cut expenses on menstrual products for other expenses, mostly for food and childcare. We have heard the story of a secondary school girl in Hong Kong who said she would use each pad for at least 8 hours, and would cover the pads with toilet paper so that she doesn’t have to spend so much on pads. Stories like this are happening every day. Low-income women in Hong Kong are pressured financially to restrict their use or choice of menstrual products, or even skipping school because there’s insufficient products to prevent leakage in public. These all lead to mental stress and health threats, and hindrance to long-term personal development.


    Aside from financial poverty, many in Hong Kong are affected by menstrual stigma, sometimes unknowingly. Many small things in daily life such as incomplete menstrual education, mainstream view of period blood as dirty and unlucky, and the association of menstruation with temper tantrum all contribute in making menstruation an unpleasant part of life. With the conventional belief of menstruation being unpleasant and not to be spoken of, it is essentially creating an environment where menstrual needs are dismissed rather than assisted. Worse, these often cause people to neglect the bodily signs of extreme pain or severe mood swings because they are dismissed as PMS, while there could be underlying health issues. This unspoken culture of menstruation is precisely why it is difficult for people to seek help on period-related issues in the workplace, schools, and medical settings. Menstrual leave is almost unheard of, very few employers offer access to menstrual products in the workplace. There are doctors who tell patients that their pain is “normal”, that it is just dysmenorrhea, that “pain is subjective”. Too often, we are told that menstruation is “your own problem”, not society’s problem, but people never choose to menstruate. It is an issue of basic human rights and dignity.

    One of the more sustainable solutions is to create a comprehensive menstrual education kit that addresses menstruation positively and informatively. Currently, many of these are done as disguised product promotions, and often only provided for girls. However, menstrual education should be provided to everyone regardless of gender if we want to curate a world that is equipped with knowledge and understanding, both the foundation that can help dispel the lurking shaming and stigma of menstruation. In such, society can hopefully address the issue as they are and treat period poverty seriously, where the mental and physical aspect can be alleviated and the financial hardship can be acknowledged.

    Every 28 May, the Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated worldwide to raise awareness of menstrual hygiene and period poverty. This May, we are delighted to have joint hands with our lead sponsor Hactl and co-organiser Onebite to organise the Be My Buddy Buddy Exhibition. The 4-day event will kickstart on 25 May. We will provide lively and interesting menstrual knowledge and multiple perspectives for you to understand menstruation, so you will no longer feel embarrassed discussing the issue. In addition to the exhibition, we have organised multiple talks and activities related to menstruation, allowing everyone, regardless or sex and gender, to gain a deeper understanding of the issue. Come and join us as a period pal and work together for menstrual equity!

    RTHK Radio 3

    28/05/2023 - 足本 Full (HKT 08:15 - 08:30)

    28/05/2023 - Joyce Fung, co-founder of Free Periods Hong Kong