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    Bee Gees 樂隊三兄弟透過頑強的鬥志,不懈的努力和無限的創造力,將他們的歌唱事業發揮得淋漓盡致,推至流行樂壇的頂峰。他們首首和諧悅耳的經典金曲皆由他們親自譜寫出來,他們更成為有史以來全球唱片最暢銷的流行樂隊之一,唱片銷量超過2.2億張。儘管他們在充滿商業味的流行樂壇上取得驕人成就,但他們的成長過程並非一帆風順,不如意的事,經常在家族中接踵而來。 以兄弟檔流行組合而言,Bee Gees 樂隊仍然是有史以來最成功的家庭合唱隊伍。這紀錄片將帶你走過Bee Gees 樂隊數十年的人生歷程,從民謠歌曲到的士高音樂,細看他們如何不斷改進自己音樂風格,塑造新的形象,成為的士高熱潮的領航者。

    Through perseverance, hard work and creativity, these three brothers rose to the top of their profession. Writing all their own hits, the harmonious family act became one of the world's best-selling artists of all time, selling over more than 220 million records worldwide. Although commercially successful, their growth into a music powerhouse was not without tragedy. As brothers, the Bee Gees remain as the most successful family act of all time. From folk balladry to the disco falsetto, this biographical documentary will take you on a journey through the decades as the Bee Gees transform their musical style, reinventing their image to become the poster boys of the disco movement.