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    Executive Producer:麥志恆

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    來自農村的斯蕾很愛唱歌,但為了生活不惜出賣肉體,在卡拉OK陪酒和提供性服務。朱利安欣賞斯蕾的歌喉以及那股能夠感染觀眾的魅力,邀請她組成搖滾樂隊The Cambodian Space Project。不久,兩人更成為戀人。


    The Cambodian Space Project開始到柬埔寨各地巡迴演出,斯蕾的天賦才華,加上朱利安創意,樂隊的知名度越來越高,更獲得海外演出的機會。


    雙語廣播︰粵語/柬埔寨語 (電視版)

    The Cambodian Space Project - Not Easy Rock'n' Roll

    In 2009 wandering Australian musician Julien Poulson walks into a Phnom Penh bar. At the karaoke microphone is Srey Thy, a poor village girl who has dreamed of being a professional singer all her life. Srey Thy adores the rock’n’roll classics from Cambodia’s golden age of the 1960s and ‘70s. Julien adores Srey Thy’s voice and choice of material. The result of their meeting is romance and  The Cambodian Space Project, a thrilling rock’nroll explosion that wows audiences from London and Paris to Hong Kong and Sydney.

    From their formative days putting the band together to playing on the world’s stage, Julien and Srey Thy’s collaboration is rollercoaster ride filled with passion, ambition and cross-cultural challenges. Set to soul-stirring music that carries the joy and sorrow of Cambodia’s past in its unique rhythms The Cambodian Space Project - Not Easy Rock’n’Roll tells the joyful, sad, uplifting and strikingly intimate tale of struggling performers whose path from obscurity, poverty and trauma to relative fame and no fortune has never been easy.

    Bilingual: Cantonese/Cambodian (TV Version)