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    Executive Producer:麥志恆

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    雙語廣播︰粵語/立陶宛語 (電視版)

    Waiting For Invasion

    In January 2015 Lithuania became the nineteenth member state of the Eurozone. Two months later Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė announced that the country was under Russian attack. Since the Russian annexation of Crimea (Ukraine), Lithuania has become the next target. They have been subject to multiple cyber-attacks, constant intimidation by Russian bombers and unidentified planes, diplomatic battles, threats, and have been drawn into the huge Russian propaganda machine. The airspace above the Baltic States is now one of the most dangerous in the world.
    Just 25 years after gaining independence from Russia, Lithuania is facing occupation again. Global leaders have agreed that further defence is necessary. NATO is setting up a command post with a rapid reaction force in Lithuania, where British and American soldiers will provide support to defend the border of NATO States. Lithuania has had to reintroduce conscription; they are preparing to defend themselves against the Russian military might. The idea of forced military training has divided society. Young men now have to be ready to change their iPads for weapons, and suits for uniforms, as their parents and grandparents once did.
    In the face of the biggest aggression in Europe since the Second World War, the documentary will tell a story of people desperately trying to preserve peace against unimaginable odds.

    Bilingual: Cantonese/ Lithuanian (TV Version)