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    Executive Producer:麥志恆

    Photo Album
    Photo Album



    雙語廣播︰粵語/希臘語 (電視版)

    Survival Artists

    A musician is asked: “Can you make a living?” The reply: “Some can, others cannot.”  This story is about the others:  Professional musicians who practise their art with great passion and skill, but still have to work on the side.  Either just to make ends meet or to maintain a certain quality of life: As a garbage collector, an auto mechanic or doctor.

    In Perrault’s Cinderella a pumpkin is transformed into a magnificent coach, mice become fine horses that take the heroine to the ball.  A lavish celebration, music, dancing and magic cannons.  When the clock strikes twelve the dream is over.  Horses and coach change back, Cinderella returns to her everyday life.

    The protagonists in this film also live double lives:  applauded on stage in the evening, while their everyday life is as “gray” as Cinderella’s.  Hard physical labour alongside great art.  Our heroes manage their lives with admirable naturalness and dignity.  They are passionate about music and approach their second lives in a more matter-of-fact way.  They do their jobs because this allows them to live their actual lives, those dedicated to music.  How do they manage this balancing act?  What does this everyday life look like?  This story unfolds in very different places around the world:  In Israel, in the Ukraine, and Germany. 

    Bilingual: Cantonese/Greek (TV Version)