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    茱莉.安德絲首次演出的荷里活電影《歡樂滿人間》旋即成為了經典名作,並因為Mary Poppins 魔法保姆一角而贏得奧斯卡。Mary Poppins 是一九六零年代,充滿奇幻想像的音樂劇《歡樂滿人間》中,最具代表性的⻆式。茱莉.安德絲在這清純可愛,光芒四射的形象下,卻經歷了事業上的各種波折,當中有驕傲的時刻,亦有艱難的歲月,而這一切都在她漫長和永不言倦的演藝生涯中展現出來。

    Julie Andrews starred in Hollywood productions that have become iconic movies, winning an Oscar for her performance as Mary Poppins, a symbol of the magic of musicals from the 1960s. And yet, behind the squeaky-clean image hides a much more tortuous career, with its moments of glory and tough times, all of which explain the longevity of a story that is still being written.