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    Executive Producer:黃兆均

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    在阿特蘭大,行為科學家莎拉・布朗森研究僧帽猴,質疑進化過程引起我們傾向自私的說法,我們對不公制度所感到的忿怒是否深植於人類需互相合作的渴求中? 我們走訪哥斯達黎加及冰島,分析他們如何重組經濟系統,建立更公平的制度,亦會看看美國的種族歧視如何打擊民眾對建立一個公義制度的希望。 我們由種姓歧視的印度村落走到對種族問題敏感的密蘇里州弗格森市街頭,探討我們對公平的概念,尋求改變不公制度的方法。

    播放頻道: 港台電視 31、31A
    播出時間: (首播)  2017年2月8日 星期三 晚上9時正
    (重溫) 2017年2月9日 星期四 凌晨12時正
    2017年2月9日 星期四 中午12時正

    Money World 3 - The Price of Fairness

    Why do we accept huge levels of inequality and social injustice? This is one of the central questions that The Price of Fairness sets out to answer, beginning with a surprising set of social experiments in Norway, which suggest that our willingness to support systems of inequality is far greater than we are often prepared to admit.
    In Atlanta, from the perspective of a group of capuchin monkeys. Behavioural scientist Sarah Bronson’s work with the monkeys questions the idea that we have an evolutionary tendency towards selfish behaviour. Could it be that the outrage we feel towards systems of inequality have roots in our human need for cooperation? We visit Costa Rica and Iceland to see how whole economies have been engineered to function with greater ‘fairness’, and the US where systematic racial injustices have tested many of their citizens hopes for a fairer justice system. From the caste-biased villages of India to the race-sensitive streets of Ferguson, Missouri, this documentary explores our understanding of fairness and what it takes to change an unfair system.
    Touching on issues of economic, political, racial and gender inequality, this film offers a thought-provoking and timely look at what fairness really means to us?

    Channel: RTHK 31 & 31A
    Time: (First Run)  2017.2.8 Wed 9:00pm
    (Re-run) 2017.2.9 Thu 00:00am
    2017.2.9 Thu 12:00pm