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《美食尋源》13/11起 逢星期二晚上9:30播出



    Executive Producer:黃兆均

    一連六集的《美食尋源》是由美國著名廚師Marcus Samuelsson主持。Marcus本身也是一位移民,他每星期都會帶觀眾去到一個美國城市,深入社區,發掘當地獨特的生活型態和創新的一面。他亦會專程探訪各市的移民家庭,訪問音樂家,詩人,廚師,老闆,藝術家,社區領袖和家中的大廚,親嚐他們各式各樣的家鄉傳統美食,讓觀眾進一步了解這些美食文化如何塑造出美國的多元飲食文化。旅程湧現出一幕幕激動人心的故事。

    Hosted by renowned chef Marcus Samuelsson, NO PASSPORT REQUIRED is a six-part TV series that takes viewers on an inspiring journey across the U.S. to explore and celebrate the wide-ranging diversity of immigrant traditions and cuisine woven into American food and culture. Each week Marcus — an immigrant himself — visits a new city to discover the dynamic and creative ways a particular community has made its mark. A vibrant portrait of America today, NO PASSPORT REQUIRED features musicians, poets, chefs, business owners, artists, community leaders and home cooks who have enhanced the nation’s culture and cuisine.