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    Executive Producer:黃兆均

    Phil Collins蒙特勒演唱會紀錄了這位屢獲殊榮的音樂奇才當年在演唱會上唱出的經典金曲。當中包括: In The Air Tonight、Against All Odds、Easy Lover、Sussudio等名曲。這埸演唱會可說是Phil Collins 音樂生涯的回顧之旅。正如Phil Collins所說,這場音樂會沒有鐘聲,也沒有口哨聲,有的只是樂隊、觀眾和音樂。沒錯,最重要的就是......音樂。

    Phil Collins returns to Montreux to play his greatest hits as part of his First Final Farewell Tour. Featuring In The Air Tonight, Against All Odds, Easy Lover, Sussudio this really is a look back at a great musical journey. As the man himself said, this concert was "No bells, no whistles, it was just the band, the audience, and the music. And in the end, that's all that matters....the music".