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    Executive Producer:王永森

    型男探險家兼BBC節目主持人Simon Reeve,繼續帶領各位電視觀眾遨遊世界。今次,他會走進俄羅斯,一個地球上版圖最大的國家,由堪察加半島開始,由東向西,橫跨四千英里,九個時區,朝著聖彼得堡進發。究竟俄國革命發生至今一百多年來,這個國家經歷什麼轉變呢?總統普京在國際舞台展示強勢領導底下,普通老百姓又過著怎麼樣的生活呢?在這輯型男型旅中,他走訪多個地方,包括海參崴、伊爾庫茨克、車臣、克里米亞、莫斯科及聖彼得堡等。 Simon Reeve embarks on an epic journey across the largest country in the world in search of the real Russia. A hundred years after the Russian Revolution, Simon travels through this land of extremes to investigate what the next century might bring for the powerful Russian Federation and its relationship with the rest of the world. The intrepid journalist uses his trademark insight and warm manner to get to the heart of a nation that’s more often viewed through the bleak prism of Cold War hostility. He meets an extraordinary range of characters while unlocking the beauty and variety of this vast country. His awe-inspiring trip takes him from the volcanic splendour of the pacific Far East to the vast Eurasian steppe in the south and the cold elegance of the Baltic North West.