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    Executive Producer:麥志恆

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    Water. Turn on the faucet and it is always there. Without it we perish. But how safe is tap water? In this episode, we investigate what happened in Flint, Michigan when local officials changed the city’s water source to save money, but overlooked a critical treatment process. As the water pipes corroded, lead leached into the system, exposing the community—including thousands of children—to dangerous levels of poison. Ordinary citizens and independent scientists exposed the danger lurking in Flint’s water and confronted those who turned a blind eye. Join us as we uncover the science behind this manmade disaster—from the intricacies of water chemistry, to the biology of lead poisoning, to the misuse of science itself. Still, there is a disturbing truth that reaches far beyond Flint. How can we protect ourselves from poisoned water?

    TV Version: Bilingual Broadcast (Cantonese/English)