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    Executive Producer:麥志恆

    1970年8月,The Doors飛往英國參加懷特島音樂節,60多萬名樂迷參與其中。 懷特島音樂節1970被譽為至今最大型搖滾音樂節之一。


    在音樂節後不足一年,主音Jim Morrison 離世,The Doors樂隊不復存在。

    August, 1970, The Doors flew to England to play the Isle of Wight Festival. Waiting for them at "The Last Great Festival" were over 600,000 fans who enjoyed performances by the world's top acts such as Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Miles Davis and Joni Mitchell.

    Less than a year later, The Doors were no more. Here, for the very first time, is the last Doors concert ever filmed. The Doors: Live at the Isle of Wight.