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    《Avicii 紀念音樂會》是紀念已故瑞典傳奇DJ、製作人、表演者兼作曲家  ---艾維奇(Avicii;本名 Tim Bergling)。他於2018年在阿曼去世,終年28歲,消息震驚全球電音樂迷。艾維奇雖然年紀輕輕,卻已為電音樂壇留下了無數經典且振奮人心的金曲。艾維奇的父母成立了基金會,特別籌辦一場紀念演唱會,邀請19位和艾維奇合作過的歌手演出其經典歌曲,一同用音樂懷念這位電音奇才,而演唱會的淨利將全數透過基金會,資助更多與心理健康相關的工作。

    Avicii紀念演唱會在他的家鄉-瑞典斯德哥爾摩舉行,5萬5千個座位在開賣三十分鐘內即售罄,當天演出陣容包括Aloe Blacc, Adam Lambert, Alex Ebert, Rita Ora 和 Joe Janiak等歌手,以及30人的樂團一齊同演出。

    艾維奇的父親Klas Bergling向媒體表示,這演唱會一直是艾維奇的心願,終於如願以償,讓樂迷經歷艾維奇獨特的音樂。

    播放頻道: 港台電視31
    播出時間: (首播) 2020年6月20日 星期六  晚上11時
    (重溫) 2020年6月21日 星期日 下午1時
    (網上重溫) 至 2020年7月4日 星期六

    “Avicii Tribute Concert– for Mental Health Awareness” is the concert in memory of Tim Bergling, also known as Avicii – one of the most acclaimed and beloved Swedish DJ/producers/performers/songwriters in modern music who has died in Oman in 2018 at the age of 28.

    19 of the original singers on Avicii’s biggest tracks, including Aloe Blacc, Adam Lambert, Alex Ebert, Rita Ora and Joe Janiak, came together with a 30-piece band to perform a two-hour headline set of his original music on December 5, 2019 at the Friends Arena in Stockholm – in front of 58.163 fans! – for the Avicii Tribute Concert for Mental Health Awareness. The Avicii Tribute Concert for Mental Health Awareness was the first time that most of Avicii’s greatest tracks have ever been performed live and also the first time that so many of the singers and collaborators whose performances and productions made his music so special, gathered together in one historic moment to perform his music.

    "Tim had plans for his music to be performed together with a large live band, and now we are realizing his dream and giving fans a chance to experience his music in this unique way,” says Klas Bergling, Tim’s father.

    Channel: RTHK 31
    Time: (First Run) 2020.6.20 SAT 11:00pm
    (Re-run) 2020.6.21 SUN 1:00pm
    (Online Catch-up) Till 2020.07.04 SAT
