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    Executive Producer:黃兆均

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    播放頻道: 港台電視31、31A
    播出時間: (首播) 2017年9月6日 星期三 晚上9時正
    (重溫) 2017年9月7日 星期四 凌晨12時正
    2017年9月7日 星期四 中午12時正

    Parched - Global Water Wars

    Water is so essential to life that we cannot survive without it for more than three days. But it’s limited. On Earth, only 3% of our water is fresh, with less than 1% available for human use. The other 2% is locked inside the Poles. Today, with over a billion people lacking access to clean drinking water, we are finally being forced to confront a stark reality: a future where, in many parts of the world, fresh water is scarce, expensive, and out of our hands.
    As our planet dries up, access to water is not only a powerful lifeline – it has also become a dangerous weapon of war. This episode zeroes in on the world's most vulnerable hot spots for water-related conflict, revealing that in some cases the Water Wars are already upon us.

    Channel: RTHK 31 & 31A
    Time: (First run) 2017.9.6 Wed 9:00pm
    (Re-run) 2017.9.7 Thu 00:00am
    2017.9.7 Thu 12:00pm